Elesa Ganter is a global manufacturer of industrial components, with a strong presence in the Indian market. Elesa Ganter India division approached a web development agency to revamp their existing website and develop a dynamic CMS system to manage their huge catalog of products. The objective was to create a website that would effectively showcase their products and allow customers to easily find and order what they need.

Discovery Phase

The web development agency conducted a thorough analysis of Elesa Ganter India division’s existing website, their business goals, target audience, and competitors. They identified several pain points such as a cluttered and confusing navigation system, a lack of product search functionality, and an outdated design that did not align with their brand image.

Design Phase

The agency proposed a modern and user-friendly design that incorporated Elesa Ganter India division’s branding guidelines. They created a clean and intuitive navigation system that made it easy for customers to find the products they were looking for. They also incorporated a product search functionality that allowed users to filter products based on various criteria such as type, material, size, and application.

Development Phase

The agency developed a dynamic CMS system that allowed Elesa Ganter India division to easily manage their catalog of products. They created custom post types and taxonomies to organize the products and integrated a product management system that allowed them to add, edit, and delete products quickly and easily. The website was built using a responsive design that ensured optimal viewing and functionality across all devices.

Testing Phase

Before launching the website, the agency conducted extensive testing to ensure that it was fully functional and user-friendly. They tested the website on various devices and browsers to ensure that it was compatible with different platforms. They also conducted user testing to gather feedback on the usability and overall user experience of the website.

Launch Phase

After completing the testing phase and addressing any issues that were identified, the website was launched. The agency provided training to Elesa Ganter India division’s staff on how to use the CMS system and manage their product catalog. They also provided ongoing support to ensure that the website remained secure and up-to-date.


The website redesign and development project was a success, providing Elesa Ganter India division with a modern and user-friendly website that effectively showcased their products and made it easy for customers to find and order what they need. The dynamic CMS system provided them with a flexible and scalable solution for managing their catalog of products, improving their efficiency and productivity. Overall, the project helped Elesa Ganter India division to achieve their business goals and establish themselves as a leader in the Indian market.

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